Through conversations with inner-city communities, it became more clear that food sovereignty was equally important to urban communities as well as rural and tribal communities. Communities like North Omaha, for instance, have less food access opportunities per capita than almost any other area in the Midwest!
Food access is not enough. It was made clear that achieving complete food sovereignty includes taking control of each community member’s respective diet including the consistent availability of nutritionally dense local and fresh food. Ultimately only complete food sovereignty can build a safe and secure community.
This vision is possible and is now within reach due to the emergence of inner-city food hubs that take advantage of bulk delivery reducing the cost of local transportation from area farmers, and also are designed to allow lower-income communities to tap into benefits that further allow access to the most highly nutritious and local foods!
Currently, efforts are underway to establish a food sovereignty blueprint for East Omaha, develop more food access points increasing availability for all, and to re-develop vacated and degraded lots in a way that both feeds more people, as well as regenerates and restores the soil.