We must embrace a mentality of abundance instead of buying into the myth of scarcity or “waste.” And as we organize in our communities, if we look beyond party affiliation and focus on our commonalities as human, we can work together to build a sustainable future.
Category: links
The Soil Health Farmer: Diversity of crops, livestock, jobs key to thriving rural America, according to one farmer
Lincoln-area restaurant Prairie Plate named to national Good Food 100 list
RegeNErate Norfolk with trees!
Tree distribution will help kick off the city of Norfolk’s newest initiative, “2020 in 2020,” which invites “everyone” to plant one tree in the hopes of planting 2,020 trees throughout the year. Applications for a free tree are available from the program and on the city’s website.
The distribution will take place at Johansen Greenhouse, 2 miles west of Divots, 55063 Highway 275, Norfolk, from Saturday, April 25, through Thursday, April 30, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. each day. Applications need to be submitted by Wednesday, April 22, either by mail to the Norfolk Tree Advisory Board (309 N. Fifth St., Norfolk, NE 68701) or by emailing Sheila Schukei at sschukei@norfolkne.gov.
Some Beef Producers Spared in the Wake of Covid-19
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the beef industry; cattle prices and futures have plunged while consumer demand has emptied grocery shelves. But some who sell beef directly to consumers have been spared, and in some cases, business is booming.
Farmers, RegeNErate your seed choice!
Hybrid85 can help. The company buys corn seed from independent breeders and sells it directly to farmers for $85 per bag. There are no broker commissions tacked onto the seed price, no trait royalties or marketing gimmicks. Hyrid85 operates on a system of automated back-end operations, sales, and logistics. This automation (developed by Ackerman) allows the company to maintain low overhead costs and transparent pricing.