Kettle Teapot

(6 customer reviews)


Menu’s Glass Kettle Teapot by Norm Architects uniquely embraces the meeting of two traditions – Asian zen philosophy and modern Scandinavian design.

Glass, Silicone
5″W X 5″D X 8″H
Norm Architects

5 in stock

SKU: 131830 Categories: , , , Tags: ,


Menu’s Glass Kettle Teapot by Norm Architects uniquely embraces the meeting of two traditions – Asian zen philosophy and modern Scandinavian design. A special feature is the teapot’s transparency that grants a visual experience of the tea, and stimulates the senses of sight, touch, and smell alike. As a fine design detail, the tea egg is placed in the center of the pot and is easily raised by pulling the attached silicon string when the tea is ready for serving.

6 thoughts on “Kettle Teapot

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